This page will contain a good collection of algorithmic puzzles asked during coding Interview - Puzzle that involves clearly defined procedure for solving problems.
Solving puzzles is the most productive and enjoyable way to develop algorithmic thinking skills . There are three categories of learners who should be interested in these puzzles :
- Student / Professionals preparing for coding interview
- Student / Professionals interested in developing algorithmic thinking
- Puzzle lovers
Every algorithmic puzzle has an input where an input defines as an instance of a puzzle. The instance can be :
- Specific Instance (e.g, find false coin among 8 coins with a balance)
- General Instance (e.g, find false coin among n coins with a balance)
We recommend learners to solve both specific and general instances of the puzzle because this could help to understand several algorithm design strategies like Divide & Conquer, Greedy Approach, Backtracking, etc.