Difference between Mutex and Semaphore in Operating System

In an Operating System, there are a number of processes that are ready to be executed at a particular instant of time. These processes require various resources for their execution. So, for this, we have shared resources in our system that can be shared between these processes. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that the resources are shared but it should not be used simultaneously by all the processes. For example, if the system is having a printer, then this printer is shared with all the processes but at a time, only one process can use the printer. No two processes should be allowed to use the printer at the same instant of time. This is called Process Synchronization .
So, in this blog, we will learn about process synchronization and critical section. We will also look at the solutions to the critical section problem i.e. mutex and semaphore. So, let's get started.
Process Synchronization and Critical Section
In an Operating System, we have a number of processes and these processes require a number of resources. Now, think of a situation where we have two processes and these processes are using the same variable "a". They are reading the variable and then updating the value to the variable and finally writing the data in the memory.
read(a) //instruction 1
a = a + 5 //instruction 2
write(a) //instruction 3
In the above, you can see that a process after doing some operations will have to read the value of "a", then increment the value of "a" by 5 and at last write the value of "a" in the memory. Now, we have two processes P1 and P2 that needs to be executed. Let's take the following two cases and also assume that the value of "a" is 10 initially
- In this case, process P1 will be executed fully (i.e. all the three instructions) and after that, the process P2 will be executed. So, the process P1 will first read the value of "a" to be 10 and then increment the value by 5 and make it to 15. Lastly, this value will be updated in the memory. So, the current value of "a" is 15. Now, the process P2 will read the value i.e. 15, increment with 5(15+5 = 20) and finally write it to the memory i.e. the new value of "a" is 20. Here, in this case, the final value of "a" is 20.
- In this case, let's assume that the process P1 starts executing. So, it reads the value of "a" from the memory and that value is 10(initial value of "a" is taken to be 10). Now, at this time, context switching happens between process P1 and P2(learn more about context switching from here ). Now, P2 will be in the running state and P1 will be in the waiting state and the context of the P1 process will be saved. As the process P1 didn't change the value of "a", so, P2 will also read the value of "a" to be 10. It will then increment the value of "a" by 5 and make it to 15 and then save it to the memory. After the execution of the process P2, the process P1 will be resumed and the context of the P1 will be read. So, the process P1 is having the value of "a" as 10(because P1 has already executed the instruction 1). It will then increment the value of "a" by 5 and write the final value of "a" in the memory i.e. a = 15. Here, the final value of "a" is 15.
In the above two cases, after the execution of the two processes P1 and P2, the final value of "a" is different i.e. in 1st case it is 20 and in 2nd case, it is 15. What's the reason behind this?
The processes are using the same resource here i.e. the variable "a". In the first approach, the process P1 executes first and then the process P2 starts executing. But in the second case, the process P1 was stopped after executing one instruction and after that the process P2 starts executing. And here both the processes are dealing on the same resource i.e. variable "a" at the same time. This is the critical section of the process. So, there must be some synchronization between the processes when they are using shared resources.
The shared resources can be used by all the processes but the processes should make sure that at a particular time, only one process should be using that shared resource. This is called process synchronization.
So, to apply process synchronization, two methods are used. They are:
- Mutex
- Semaphore
Let's look at them one by one.
Mutex or Mutual Exclusion Object is used to give access to a resource to only one process at a time. The mutex object allows all the processes to use the same resource but at a time, only one process is allowed to use the resource. Mutex uses the lock-based technique to handle the critical section problem.
Whenever a process requests for a resource from the system, then the system will create a mutex object with a unique name or ID. So, whenever the process wants to use that resource, then the process occupies a lock on the object. After locking, the process uses the resource and finally releases the mutex object. After that, other processes can create the mutex object in the same manner and use it.
By locking the object, that particular resource is allocated to that particular process and no other process can take that resource. So, in the critical section, no other processes are allowed to use the shared resource. In this way, the process synchronization can be achieved with the help of a mutex object.
Semaphore is an integer variable S , that is initialized with the number of resources present in the system and is used for process synchronization. It uses two functions to change the value of S i.e. wait() and signal() . Both these functions are used to modify the value of semaphore but the functions allow only one process to change the value at a particular time i.e. no two processes can change the value of semaphore simultaneously. There are two categories of semaphores i.e. Counting semaphores and Binary semaphores .
In Counting semaphores , firstly, the semaphore variable is initialized with the number of resources available. After that, whenever a process needs some resource, then the wait() function is called and the value of the semaphore variable is decreased by one. The process then uses the resource and after using the resource, the signal() function is called and the value of the semaphore variable is increased by one. So, when the value of the semaphore variable goes to 0 i.e all the resources are taken by the process and there is no resource left to be used, then if some other process wants to use resources then that process has to wait for its turn. In this way, we achieve the process synchronization.
In Binary semaphores , the value of the semaphore variable will be 0 or 1. Initially, the value of semaphore variable is set to 1 and if some process wants to use some resource then the wait() function is called and the value of the semaphore is changed to 0 from 1. The process then uses the resource and when it releases the resource then the signal() function is called and the value of the semaphore variable is increased to 1. If at a particular instant of time, the value of the semaphore variable is 0 and some other process wants to use the same resource then it has to wait for the release of the resource by the previous process. In this way, process synchronization can be achieved. It is similar to mutex but here locking is not performed.
Difference between Mutex and Semaphore
Till now, we have learned about mutex and semaphore. Most of you might have guessed the difference between these two. Let's have a look into the difference between mutex and semaphore:
- Mutex uses a locking mechanism i.e. if a process wants to use a resource then it locks the resource, uses it and then release it. But on the other hand, semaphore uses a signalling mechanism where wait() and signal() methods are used to show if a process is releasing a resource or taking a resource.
- A mutex is an object but semaphore is an integer variable.
- In semaphore, we have wait() and signal() functions. But in mutex, there is no such function.
- A mutex object allows multiple process threads to access a single shared resource but only one at a time. On the other hand, semaphore allows multiple process threads to access the finite instance of the resource until available.
- In mutex, the lock can be acquired and released by the same process at a time. But the value of the semaphore variable can be modified by any process that needs some resource but only one process can change the value at a time.
That's it for this blog. Hope you enjoyed this blog.
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